
Tips: Prevent SSRS report caching

There are many ways to turn off the report cache, but many of them need you to have enough privilege to change the report or server settings. There is one approach that everyone can do without any privilege: comtrol the parameters in the url.

Append this commend to the end of the url:
The number should be random, and you can do like this:
"http://.....&rc:emissionTime=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks;

The it's the same trick like this one.

1 comment:

  1. This link worked for me I just added a parameter to the report that is not actaully used. Then I pass in the NOW function replacing spaces in it with no space. This is for a classic ASP application.
    I could not add the entire link so I just added the parameter I used inthe report link string. (sorry)

    "&UniqueReportKey=" & Replace(Now()," " ,"")
