What if those data that need to be updated contain many duplicate columns? We can send those duplicate columns just once, and concatenate those non-duplicate columns into a string and send it to SQL as a parameter. It works like this:
1.create a method to fetch data from List
For example:
//This is a new feature of C# 3.0. Take a look of this: //"http://blogs.msdn.com/abhinaba/archive/2005/09/17/470358.aspx". List<int> CustomerIdList = new List<int>{1001,1002,1003,1004}; string CustomerIds = MergeData(CustomerIdList);Create your own MergeData() method to merge the input List<int> and output as a single string like this: "1001,1002,1003,1004".
2.Send this string as a parameter to the SQL server.
3.At SQL server, we need to create a Table-Valued function to parse this string into a table.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fxnParseCommaDelmitedList] ( @CommaDelimitedList varchar(8000) ) RETURNS @TableVar TABLE (ItemID int NOT NULL ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @IDListPosition int DECLARE @IDList varchar(4000) DECLARE @ArrValue varchar(4000) SET @IDList = COALESCE(@CommaDelimitedList, '') IF @IDList <> '' BEGIN -- Add comma to end of list so user doesn''t have to SET @IDList = @IDList + ',' -- Loop through the comma demlimted string list WHILE PATINDEX('%,%' , @IDList ) <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @IDListPosition = PATINDEX('%,%' , @IDList) SELECT @ArrValue = LEFT(@IDList, @IDListPosition - 1) -- Insert parsed ID into TableVar for "where in select" INSERT INTO @TableVar (ItemID) VALUES (CONVERT(int, @ArrValue)) -- Remove processed string SELECT @IDList = STUFF(@IDList, 1, @IDListPosition, '') END END RETURN END
This sproc will return a table like this:
ItemID (column name) 1001 1002 1003 1004
A lighter way than using XML file.